Special Home Services:

I have been providing relief services for a long time, and it is very important to me that I maintain strong, mutually beneficial relationships with my client practices. That means I will always respect the pre-existing relationship you have with your clients. By offering in-home services, I want to help supplement and extend your services, not to seek to replace them.

So be assured that when working as a relief doctor at your clinic, I will always represent your interests first. Before I work at your practice, simply tell me which,
if any, outside services you would like me to make available to your clients. If you prefer that I not offer any services to your clients outside of your clinic, I will not self-refer while at your practice.

I want to make sure that you are completely comfortable referring your clients and patients to me. To that end, when you do refer a patient, you will also submit a detailed
referral form through this website to clearly indicate what services you do and do not want provided for that client. While I can provide an assortment of services, detailed below, I want you to feel confident that if you send me a patient for acupuncture, and acupuncture only, I will not attempt to offer that client any other services which you would rather provide at your own clinic.

I appreciate any referrals you make, and will respect the confidence you've shown in me by protecting your long-term interests.

That said, there are a number of
Specialized In-Home Services you may offer to have me provide for your clients....